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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Make and use network cable to connect computer to network

Network Plan

Network plan
Network plan

What we need to complete this practice?

what we need to create network cable
what we need to create network cable



1 - We need a crimper to remove
The insulation of our network cable
2 - How much to cut the cable insulation?
2cm is enough
RJ 45
RJ 45
3 - Our cable should look like this
cable look
cable look
4 - Now we split the cable that each
color is separated
spliting the cable
spliting the cable

Straight-Through Cable

5 - Sort the cable colors in both sides
cable colors
cable colors
We start from left:
1. white/orange
2. orange
3. white/green
4. blue
5. white/blue
6. green
7. white/brown
8. brown
The straight-through cable is used to connect:
- Host to switch or hub
- Router to switch or hub

Crossover cable

Replace 1 -->3                                   The crossover cable can be used to connect:
2 -->6                                                    - Switch to switch
1. white/green                                       - Hub to hub
2. green                                                 - Host to host
3. white/orange                                     - Hub to switch
4. blue                                                   - Router direct to host
5. white/blue                                          
6. orange                                                   
Crossover cable
Crossover cable
7. white/brown
8. brown

6 - Fix the cable with RJ45 connector                          
fixing RJ45
fixing RJ45

Do it with Patient!

7 - The contacts are pressed in and
connected with the cable

network cable
network cable

Our Network Cable is Ready!

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