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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

All about Network Delays

Delay and Loss in Packet-Switched Networks

As a packet travels from one node (host or router) to the
subsequent node (host or router) along this path, the packet
suffers from several different types of delays at each node
along the path.
The most important of these delays are:
- Nodal processing delay
- Queuing delay
- Transmission delay
- Propagation delay
As a packet travels from one node (host or router) to the
subsequent node (host or router) along this path, the packet
suffers from several different types of delays at each node
along the path.
The most important of these delays are:
- Nodal processing delay
- Queuing delay
- Transmission delay
- Propagation delay

Nodal processing delay

The time required to examine the packet's header and determine
where to direct the packet is part of the processing delay. The
processing delay can also include other factors, such as the time
Nodal processing delay
Nodal processing delay
needed to check for bit-level errors in the packet that occurred
in transmitting the packet's bits from
the upstream router to router A.

Queuing Delay

After this nodal processing, the router directs the packet to the queue that
precedes the link to router B. At the queue, the packet experiences a
Queuing Delay
Queuing Delay
queuing delay as it waits to be transmitted onto the link.
The queuing delay of a specific packet will depend on the number
of other, earlier-arriving packets that are queued and waiting for
transmission across the link.
Eg: Queue is empty and we receive 10 packets!

Transmission Delay

Transmission Delay

Transmission Delay

The transmission delay (also called the store-and-forward
delay) is the amount of time required to transmit all of the
packet's bits into the link.

Propagation Delay

Propagation Delay
Propagation Delay
Once a bit is pushed onto the link, it needs to propagate to router B.
The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to route
B is the propagation delay.

The bit propagates at the propagation speed of the link.
The propagation speed depends on the physical medium of the link
(i.e., multimode fiber, twisted-pair copper wire,i etc.)

Total Nodal Delay

Together, these delays accumulate to give a total nodal delay.
 Total Nodal Delay

Total Nodal Delay
If we let dproc, dqueue, dtrans and dprop be the processing,
Queuing, transmission and propagation delays, then the total nodal
delay is given by:

dnodal = dproc + dqueue + dtrans + dprop

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