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Monday, August 22, 2016

Principles of Application Layer Protocols (HTTP_2)

Principles of Application Layer Protocols (HTTP_2)

HTTP Performance

What effects?

Different kinds of requests:
– Lots of small requests (loading a web page)
– Big request (fetching a download)
Requires different solutions!

Small requests

Latency matters:

Governed by RTT between hosts.
Two major causes of delay:
– Opening a TCP connection
– Data response-request
– Persistent connections (Why?)
– Pre-fetching !
– Others?

Big requests

Eg: When doing a big request (big file to download).
Problem is throughput on bottleneck links (usually edge links)
A solution:
Use an HTTP proxy cache or mirror
– Can also improve latency!
big requests in HTTP
big requests in HTTP

Old Cached Data

Cache needs a way to conditionally ask for a document as Items in the cache
can get staled ( eg: We don’t want to read stored of weeks ago)
- Cache can issue a conditional GET (with an “If-modified-since”
- Server can reply with a “304 Not Modified”

Web caching

Cache acts as both client and server.
- Typically cache is installed by ISP (university, company,
residential ISP)
- Reduce response time for client request
- Reduce traffic on an institution’s access link

HTTP Transaction

HTTP Transaction
HTTP Transaction

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